10 Poems for Inspiration and Love Wishes
10 Poems for Inspiration and Love Wishes
Inspiration and love is something that we should never feel in short supply of. They are all around us, and deeply etched within us. It’s often our deepest wishes that inspire us to set the intentions toward our dreams, so make some wishes and imagine the possibilities. Take time to self-reflect and dream often…!
Here are 10 poems for inspiration and love wishes. I am sharing them here for now, but at some point they will be added to one of my poetry books. I hope that you can enjoy and appreciate them! 🙂
Raw and Real
When you nourish the heart of another
You get to see the raw beauty of their soul.
You appreciate their spirit as it sparkles through an ocean of ecstasy
Set adrift at the sheer delight of being so lovingly seen.
For when you accept the heart of another,
You get to share in the wonder of their light
And dance with them through the shadows
Because love melts through defences and doubts
And softly opens a space to show up in real and true fullness
When we feel safe and assured that we can
Diamond in the Dust
Beauty isn’t always obvious
Beauty is often found in the most bizarre, unexpected of places.
She is a treasure obscured
She is a diamond in the dust
So shy in her might
Yet so brave in her bones
Enduring each hell to reach her heavenly star
A beauty to be in awe of
A beauty craving to be seen
A diamond in the dust,
She is the strongest of all earthbound queens
In Pieces
Letting go doesn’t happen all at once
Letting go takes time, kindness, compassion.
Letting go is how you heal a little more with each passing day
Letting go… it happens in pieces,
It’s a slow and gentle walk through your heart
As you nostalgically tread upon everything you need to leave behind
So be tender with your letting go,
Trust your heart.
Gift your healing with the respect and care it deserves
And little by little,
You will learn to let go,
Bit by bit, piece by piece,
So you can breathe fresh air once more.
Can We
And truly, all I really want to know is
Are you strong enough for yourself?
Will you be strong enough for me?
Can you hold me up when I’m falling down,
Spray my soul with kindness
As you tickle away these aches and frowns,
Can you share your heart with mine
On a mutual ocean of love we define,
Can we make it together,
On these arms of forever,
Gently, crazily,
Through karmic charms and angel binds
A lover’s crusade through pockets of time
Someone to Love
I want someone to love me
Before my hair thins and greys out
I want someone to love me
And in this love to have no doubts
I want someone to love me
In the shape of which I am
I want someone to love me
And guide me with their hand
I want someone to love me
Because they see the world in my eyes
I want someone to love me
Without fear or feelings disguised
I want someone to love me
With passion and with soul
I want someone to love me
With eyes of flaming sparks and whispers of gold
I want someone to love me
Whilst I’m able to walk and dance
I want someone to love me
And soften my heart with each advance
I want someone to love me
Through laughter, storms and tears
I want someone to love me
Through all seasons and growing years
I want someone to love me
To catch me as I fall
I want someone to love me
And find comfort in all my flaws
I want someone to love me
In all the ways I have never been loved
I want someone to love me
As I’m an Angel from above
I want someone to love me
With truth, kindness and care
I want someone to love me
With their soul so vulnerably bare
I want someone to love me
Just as I can love them back
Devotedly, unconditionally
From sunshine days to deep hues of black
Making Peace
Bravely make peace with your pain so it doesn’t steal your life away.
And when you do so,
You inspire courage in the hearts of others to do the same.
And isn’t that the most beautiful presence of purpose…
To find a way to rise against all odds
And extend a hand of hope to the ones that feel your story.
Look around you.
You will see many beautiful warriors digging deep and facing their hurt.
And they are warriors,
Because it is far easier to build barriers around your heart
Than it is to break them down
And isn’t it one of life’s most admirable lessons,
To keep your heart open when the world and all its woes
Has given you every reason to keep it shut down.
Back to Life
You don’t realise how electric you are,
You brought me back to life
With just one kiss,
With a single heart-filled exchange
So pure, so real,
You jumpstarted my heart
Now I’m floating through the skies
In this galaxy so bright
Flying high on your magnetic star
Sinking deep into your spirit
And sailing on your wings
The sky looks so different,
Sparkling, effervescent,
It’s painted with love
Infused in hope
Like a shower of diamonds
And they are trickling through my spine
You brought me back to life my love,
You brought me back home
You will never know how strong you are until you are cornered
Into letting go of something you truly love
Because strength isn’t always bolstered by holding on,
But in beautifully, and so painfully letting go.
The Sweetest Strength
Sweet soul,
Don’t let this world fool you,
There is nothing wrong with you.
The Strength to be you,
The Strength to feel completely safe to be you,
This is perhaps the greatest strength of all
Because it means there is no more fear,
No more doubt,
No more disguises,
And no more masquerades,
And through this strength,
You can appreciate yourself
Through this strength,
You can be free
Cold hands
If you cannot caress my soul as deeply as you touch my body,
Then your hands will always feel too cold to carry my heart.
Thank you for reading my poems for inspiration and love wishes! All my books including 5 poetry titles can be found on my author page, they are available for download through various online suppliers, thanks, Chrissy. Please share these with your friends and loved ones 🙂
Here’s one more!
Way of the Heart
For the heart, there is always a way
Maybe not a way that you had expected or hoped for
But there is always a way.
What we see with the eyes of our mind
Finds a whole new kaleidoscope of colour through the vision of our heart.
For the heart,
There is always a way.
If you cannot go through an obstacle,
Span outward,
Orbit through the sight of your heart
And you will find your way around it
Categorised as: Love and Relationships, Poetry