The Motivation Angel

My Story | About Christine The Motivation Angel

About Christine, The Motivation Angel- My Story

Hi! My Name is Christine Evangelou: here is a little about me and my story and why I started The Motivation Angel

I am a motivational writer/poet and self published authorA failed business venture in 2016 brought about many life changes for me. It was a dark time and I struggled to make sense of things. It was writing and connecting through my words that made a difference and helped me find some beauty in what had gone wrong. This is what inspired me to begin The Motivation Angel in 2017. I wanted to tell my story. I wanted to help others.

Once I began writing again, I wrote prolifically. I self-published all of my books in digital format, and more recently, two in paperback- Pieces: A Poetry Anthology and The Stars In  Our Scars.

Change and Transformation- Every outer change begins first from within.

I believe in the power a switch in perspective can offer in order to trigger something inside and shift our mindset to higher ground. Transformation is like a rebirth. Hopefully, through what I write, I am able to help people seek fresh perspectives, gain some strength and inspire hope and healing.

I believe in transparency, openness, and living from a heart-led space.  As I endeavour to help you through my words on your journey, I wanted to share a little of mine.

Why I write

I have always loved to write. Words have a magical glitter about them and I love piecing them together to make impactful and beautiful sentences. For me, writing is my way of emotionally cleansing myself. Writing helps to heal my inner wounds and shine some light through the darkness.  By extension, it can help others to do the same. I was drawn back into writing; something I always loved in my youth and where my heart-filled bliss truly lies. I immerse into a world of words.

What we initially see as failures turn out to be our spiritual and evolutionary successes in disguise- this is the essence of my story. 

Pain and Difficulty

I have learned to accept and love my pain, difficulty and darker times. They are an intrinsic part of my story. I have evolved through every experience and utilized everything that sits within as a source of fuel to engineer myself forward. My fiery nature, openness and sensitivity are the deepest strengths I have. My open heart has gotten me into trouble many times yet I refuse to allow myself to be hardened by circumstance. I keep my heart open and my edges soft because to close myself off would be a betrayal of my own inherent truth.

My Purpose

My mission or purpose is to keep writing from my heart and soul and I am very much guided by my intuition. Through my own experiences and perspectives about difficulty, pain, and challenges I am propelled and driven to help others. I cannot say that I have life’s answers because I feel the answers already lay within us all. Part of life’s essential wonder is the mystery of it. Maybe there are no answers, just experiences. We are fearful of the unknown; yet we can only faithfully trust in what we cannot physically see. To do so, we must first trust in ourselves.

Rock Bottom

I have failed- lots, and hit rock bottom several times. I have lost myself in the shape of others and been significantly hurt by the people I loved, and love the most. My ‘phoenix’ mentality keeps me rising and finding a way to begin again- regenerated from what once was. I understand the intricate challenges, internal suffering and struggles we all encounter. I have felt them deeply myself- and I still do.

I’m on my journey and continuing to grow and awaken just as we all are.  It is only by way of my challenging experiences that I am able to soak myself into writing as a source of motivation and alternate perspective for others. Thank you for being a part of this journey too.

Finding What is Real

We cannot know what is real outside of us until we find what is real and true within us. We should not hide the beauty of our inner being. I believe in the bravery, strength, and inner magic that we all have woven into every part of us. We are all our own heroes and we can be each other’s too.

Our hearts all beat in time with the heart of the universe- each small change and transformation for the greater good that we can inspire within ourselves inevitably flows to another heart. I hope you find some inspiration here at The Motivation Angel and thanks for reading my story.

Thank you, Chrissy.

“We travel through darkness to illuminate it so we can move past the shadows that we so fervently protect. Our pain makes us human and means we are real; it makes us aware of our own fragility and the subtlety of our inner being. Let the pain guide you and propel you forward rather than hold you back in an illusory grip. You are the shape of all your pain, all your challenges, and all your victories.”- Stardust and Star Jumps
Christine Evangelou