Freedom to be you: 3 Reminders that you are Enough
Reminders that you are enough
We suffer greatly when we feel like we are not enough; or when we buy into the falsity of not measuring up to a certain archetype or way of being. We perpetuate a spiral of inner conflict until we seek what lies beneath the surface of those thoughts and fears. We hide the best and most beautiful parts of ourselves for fear that they may offend, ignite, or challenge someone else’s perception of us. We determine a line of least resistance, yet we only shine when we show up to life in all our glory and guts to just be. Isn’t this the meaning of perfection? To just embrace the freedom to be whom we truly are.
As long as we dilute or deny our personality and soul essence we will feel burdened, bruised, and betrayed. In reality, we betray ourselves when we don’t recognise our uniqueness in whatever shape it comes in.
We all have gifts and talents that become stifled and suffocated when we don’t live our truth and revel in our originality- when we embrace them we define the story of us with all its flaws, eccentricities, fierceness and fine points. We embrace the freedom to be who we are.
1. Your flaws and nuances make you ‘you’
When we suppress parts of our personality they often reverberate through our soul in other ways. Maybe we become more passive-aggressive, or sink further into solitude and time alone where we can remove ourselves from external pressures and judgemental eyes. Yet when we embrace all our quirks and misgivings we can find a way to love them, laugh with them, and shine them out into the world with a confident smile. The world becomes more sombre and dark when we hide from our own light. Rather than chase away our individuality we should run toward it with arms open wide. There are so many that would love the person we try to hide.
2. Comparison is a silent killer
We were never meant to compete against each other- our souls are created by a blueprint of love and supreme energy. Comparison and competition with others only ends up shattering our own capacity to bloom and evolve. We are all on our unique life journey- no two paths are the same, yet we all meet together through love and acceptance of each other’s journey. Life is not a race; it is an odyssey of truth, humility and awareness. When we realise that we are all enough in our own skin, our own hearts and minds, then we have no need to compare or question our place in the world; we recognize the beauty in all our differences.
3. Lack is a mind construct
We construct this falsehood in our mind born from fear and worry that we lack something within. We complicate the real simplicity of our spirit when we detract from its pure vibration of limitlessness, fullness and possibility. We are born with a fearless essence that gets lost and confused along the path to adulthood. We can begin to pull it back when we undertake ownership of all our tough times, pain, and sorrow, and brush everything with a rush of love and hope, and we rise once more with a full heart in the possibility of what could be. All our challenges add value to us because they shape us into greater versions of ourselves; stronger and braver, wiser and more conscious of our innate qualities and gifts. We truly lack nothing.
We were born to stand out, to show up and shine; to permeate this world and our environment through our own originality and inner spark. We need no external validation or acceptance because this is only something we can imbue and lovingly hand to ourselves.
To end this article I wanted to share a poem I wrote that speaks of self value and knowing that you are enough- keep reminding yourself of all your inner charm and hold the strength to just be you!
Enough by Christine Evangelou ©2017 from Exit Point: Arrows from a Rebel Heart
Somehow, someway
We were infiltrated with the thought that we are not enough
Just as we are
In all our beauty, in all our sorrow
With all our quirks and all our distinctiveness
It is a lie, something that was falsely sold to us
We are enough, we are born enough
And we will be enough
When we fully know that we are
We are never a problem to solve, a damaged fragment, or a second choice
We are enriched with the watery depth of loveAnd fired up by the electric pulse of our heart
Yet our bones carry the weight of too much, too little
Not quite right, or all wrong
Our souls can’t stretch or soar with bones bathed in burdenRigidly holding the opinions and beliefs of others
It is only our own enoughness that nourishes our truth
Feeding us toward an overdue rebellion that can unclip our wingsAnd finally, break us free
Categorised as: Motivation, Personal Growth and Spirituality