The Motivation Angel

3 Ways to Behaviour Change and Boosting Self Belief


“Behaviour is the mirror in which everyone shows their image” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Our behaviour determines our actions; sometimes we may get stuck in certain patterns and habits that do not serve our greater good on a number of levels- physically, emotionally, mentally, or from a deeper, more intuitive/spiritual perspective. There needs to be first and foremost a willingness to change, a desire to break free of whatever bad habits that have directed us thus far. The emotional and mental ache of staying the same must outweigh the ego-constructed fear of changing. What we mostly seek is comfort, contentment and a sense of fulfilment both within ourselves and from what is around us. A helpful way to work toward a more abundant and happier life is to work on aspects of your personality to transform any apparent negative behaviour cycles, and this requires patience, pure commitment and conscious effort. If you limit your thinking, then you limit your doing- think no limits and don’t play small with your life. When we do the meaningful and important inner work it manifests itself outwardly.

We need to self charge ourselves with the inherent warmth and benevolence of our spiritual signature.

Here are 3 ways to help with change and boosting self belief

1. Positively fuel your thoughts

What you say to yourself becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Focus your attention on strong and positive statements. Our thoughts are something that we have the power to steer in a positive direction to drive us forward rather than hold us back. Ask yourself if the chemistry of your thoughts and actions are taking you closer toward your aim or further from it. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself and your belief systems; by lifting the veil on how you may be self-sabotaging yourself you can tap back into your heart space and authenticity. Find your untouchable truth. In terms of goals, we can break down the bigger things into smaller chunks so it doesn’t seem so over whelming; too often we become stressed by the weight of our own expectations and this can have a detrimental effect. Set your intention to the smaller brush strokes that paint the bigger picture.

“As you think, so shall you become” – Bruce Lee

2. Surround yourself with what you hope to achieve

Surround yourself with people that support and encourage you and share common goals and values. We are social creatures and our environment plays a big factor in our behaviour and the habits we form. If your aim is to be successful in a healthier and happier life then connect with people that carry that same intention and vibration. They will help to boost and propel you toward your objectives because they share them too. Seek words of wisdom from books, music, people you admire, or mentors – there is inspiration all around when you open your eyes to it. You have a mass of hidden potential within you; take time to discover each drop of it. When you believe in your own vibrancy and power you are not threatened by anyone else’s.

“I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve. I’ve had my share of mood swings, believe me. But it’s a powerful thing when you realize that you have dominion over your behaviour and your passions” – Matt Dillon

3. Do something each day to build self belief

It is what we do daily that has the potential to create a passage to our aspirations and the possibility for more. Do something each day that is meaningful, action-orientated and sets the wheels in motion toward your desires. Put pen to paper and set goals, schedule reminders on your phone or email alerts to get things done. Every goal or dream needs a strong foundation to take it from the seed to its full bloom. Cater your actions to support what you aim to achieve and as you tick off the tasks you enhance that muscle of self belief to take you further. Know that you can achieve, search for that deep faith and belief from within you and take charge of strengthening it.

All change is uncomfortable, uncertain, and often chaotic, yet this is how we grow and move forward. When we nurture our thoughts we create emotions and feelings that correspond to that same vibration. Your mind is like the channel on a radio station- tune in to the right frequency that is aligned with your greater good and intentions. Moving out of comfort zones and safe places nourishes our courage and gives roots to our inner strength.

We innately hold within us the alchemy and inner power for change, evolution and transformation. We are the keepers of our dreams and wishes- and we have all we need to master them into reality. 

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” – Marianne Williamson

Categorised as: Inspiration, Well Being and Mindfulness